Monday, July 2, 2007

This weekend and today....

I had a great weekend! Friday, I got to Adrian about 3:30 or so and watched Matt finish up with deck. It was a beautiful day and I was happy that I got out of work early. Then in the evening, we went to a church picnic. That was nice.

Saturday, I got up early and let Matt sleep in. When he finally got up, we put together the patio furniture. It looks really nice!
Then we got ready for the Tigers game. It was a beautiful day for the game and we met up with a bunch of Matt's friends from Mt. Brighton and stood around and talked. Not even sure what the final score was and pretty much forgot there was a game going on! We had a good time! Then when we got home, Matt and I had a bonfire and the neighbors came over and we talked. They went home and we stayed out till 3 am talking! It was really fun!

Sunday, we made breakfast and ate on our new patio furniture. Then we decided to go down to Toledo for the day. Ate at BW3 and they came home and restocked the beer fridge. Then called it a day!

Then, today I had a horrible migraine. I took my meds and did all sorts of stuff to try to help it go away, but it didn't until about 5:30pm. It sucked! I missed a meeting at work. I have been getting fewer migraines, but when I do get them, I have them all day. I still have a hint of it, but it is not as bad as it was!

Well, I was going to add some pics, but I can't send them from my phone because I'm out of area! What a bummer!

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