Friday, October 24, 2008

What a week!

Oh boy...I had one of those weeks! Or shall I say two weeks!
Shall I do a top 10 list? Yes, lets! Or I'll see how many I put to highlight my weeks and then I'm off to bed.
1) It is sad that I cannot remember what I did last Monday (I just realized this!):(

2) Last week, I had several migraines (which was due to hormonal change, I have
figured that out, or shall I say Matt tuned into that!)

3) Had my first IEP meeting for a kid who drives me bonkers! All the other teachers say he is doing great and love him in class...shocking (I wonder if we have the same child!)! Then, I tell them...he is at a 3rd/4th grade reading level! And they are shocked...continue to be looking into this one...

4) Found out a couple of weeks ago that a lovely, model citizen (can you sense my sarcasm)student of mine as an ankle tether. I find this out from the student, not administration, which I think this information should be provided to me from the school! gets better. We talk to the counselor, curious what we (my IA and I) do when he continues to make references to drugs throughout class. (not really knowing why the child is on probation). The counselor says we need to document it, but fails to tell us that we need to write him up b/c he has a court hearing and everything that he does in school needs to be documented! UGH! OK...this needs to take up 2 numbers...

...5) SO...this kid makes a threatening remark when something happens and a teacher does something and he is called out of my class, returning visibly pissed, making this remark...I write him up. (I don't think I should put up with this crap.) Next day, I talk to my VP and he tells me I should work, this kids is harmless! Oh, I was pissed! But he was put in In school suspension for my class and stayed all day b/c he was high! GREAT!!! Then this week, he comes back, continues to act like a dumbass...I write him up twice! And today...HE GOT ARRESTED on school grounds! I never thought I would be pleased about this, but I do have to say, I hope I don't have to see that child again! I didn't sign for this!

6) This week happened to be the longest week of my life!

7) I had an emotional break down on Wednesday and was ready to quit and moved back to MI!

8) I have heard from at least two teachers that my students hate me. I have come to the realization that I'm not there for a popularity contest, I'm there to teach.
9) Reason why they hate me, b/c my bigger class is the the counselor and the VP visited the class and gave them a "talking" to and they didn't like it...basically they don't like authority and do not like being told what to do...hence the reason why they are the worst class!

10) It's amazing when you tell a student that you care about them as an individual and that you want to see them succeed in life, how quickly they change their tune, hopefully it stays changed and in tune!:)

OK, well I made it to 10...a lot more happened, but these are my highlights...

Monday, October 6, 2008


Welcome to my room...

My door with my name and my assistants!:) Have I mentioned how great she is?!

What you see when you are at the is small!

The view from my desk...

The bulletin board is my make-shift whiteboard b/c my white board is way too small (as you can see from above)...hopefully I will be getting a bigger, better magnetic whiteboard with a tray...I'm not asking for too much, really!

View from the back assistants desk is up front.

My desk!

View from the front corner!

What I see when I'm up front teaching!:)

So, there you go! My classroom! Not much to it. I should have taken a picture of the maximum capacity sign! It is 12 and we are over that with one class. Oh well, I make do and have really enjoyed putting together my classroom. I should have taken a picture of what it looked like before...but it was completely different and scary! But now it is all mine!:)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 2 is said and done with...

Well, I sort of survived this week. Monday and Tuesday went well...more like Monday went well. Tuesday, I was completely brain dead due to some feascos during the night that caused my sleep to be interrupted. So, needless to say, due to my exhaustion, I wanted a student to spell out s-e-c (short for second), but instead told her to spell s-e-x. Thank God it was my small class and they didn't catch on right away, but I was very embarrassed.
So, when I got home, I decided that I'd go right to bed...I was in bed by 9pm...but woke up at 4:30am with a migraine. I took my meds, but by the time I woke up an hour later, I still had it and it was bad! So, I called my mentor at school and she said not to worry, get better. Well, I had it all day and by the time Matt came home, he thought I should go to ER, so I did. We got there at 8:30, I did not get drugs till 11:30! It was horrible and I was mad. We did not get home till 3am and when 5:45 rolled was not happening. I still had my migraine and so I called school again and I'm so glad I did b/c I slept till 2:30pm without getting up once! So, the drugs really drained me, but I felt so much better now!
I went back to school today, to find a desk for me...yeah! And my assistance moved the room, so we have a bit more room...still very cramped though. I wasn't totally ready for I kinda winged it and it was fine. I had my big, bad class first and they were actually good! Then, I got a nice 3 hours of prep, in which I moved my desk and got organized and I laminated some posters and am now all settled in!:) I promise to take pictures next week.
So, now I am home alone this weekend. Matt went home to MI for Siena's alumni weekend. I was going to go with him, but since I was sick, I didn't want to stress over the drive, just to go to Siena's alumni weekend! So, tonight, I ventured out to Border's books...they were having educators night and I won a book bag full of cool books...and I bought a few books that I got 25% off of! Yeah!
The rest of the weekend is up in the air...but I really need to get school work done!
OK...have a great weekend!