Friday, October 24, 2008

What a week!

Oh boy...I had one of those weeks! Or shall I say two weeks!
Shall I do a top 10 list? Yes, lets! Or I'll see how many I put to highlight my weeks and then I'm off to bed.
1) It is sad that I cannot remember what I did last Monday (I just realized this!):(

2) Last week, I had several migraines (which was due to hormonal change, I have
figured that out, or shall I say Matt tuned into that!)

3) Had my first IEP meeting for a kid who drives me bonkers! All the other teachers say he is doing great and love him in class...shocking (I wonder if we have the same child!)! Then, I tell them...he is at a 3rd/4th grade reading level! And they are shocked...continue to be looking into this one...

4) Found out a couple of weeks ago that a lovely, model citizen (can you sense my sarcasm)student of mine as an ankle tether. I find this out from the student, not administration, which I think this information should be provided to me from the school! gets better. We talk to the counselor, curious what we (my IA and I) do when he continues to make references to drugs throughout class. (not really knowing why the child is on probation). The counselor says we need to document it, but fails to tell us that we need to write him up b/c he has a court hearing and everything that he does in school needs to be documented! UGH! OK...this needs to take up 2 numbers...

...5) SO...this kid makes a threatening remark when something happens and a teacher does something and he is called out of my class, returning visibly pissed, making this remark...I write him up. (I don't think I should put up with this crap.) Next day, I talk to my VP and he tells me I should work, this kids is harmless! Oh, I was pissed! But he was put in In school suspension for my class and stayed all day b/c he was high! GREAT!!! Then this week, he comes back, continues to act like a dumbass...I write him up twice! And today...HE GOT ARRESTED on school grounds! I never thought I would be pleased about this, but I do have to say, I hope I don't have to see that child again! I didn't sign for this!

6) This week happened to be the longest week of my life!

7) I had an emotional break down on Wednesday and was ready to quit and moved back to MI!

8) I have heard from at least two teachers that my students hate me. I have come to the realization that I'm not there for a popularity contest, I'm there to teach.
9) Reason why they hate me, b/c my bigger class is the the counselor and the VP visited the class and gave them a "talking" to and they didn't like it...basically they don't like authority and do not like being told what to do...hence the reason why they are the worst class!

10) It's amazing when you tell a student that you care about them as an individual and that you want to see them succeed in life, how quickly they change their tune, hopefully it stays changed and in tune!:)

OK, well I made it to 10...a lot more happened, but these are my highlights...


Malinda said...

Your Michigan friends will be there to hang with you very very soon! You're doing a great job! After this year, you'll be a pro...

crazystegmamaof4 said...

Hey Friend...well, you've definitely had a run of it lately, haven't you?! Life seems to always hand you lots of challenges, huh?! But, you always pull through...I have always admired that about you. God has you at this new job for a reason and I think you'll be a great role model for those kids. Hang in are doing a great job!! Thinking of ya' and praying for you always and for those migraines. How's wedding stuff going??!! Can't wait for the big day! And since I'm sooo pathetically belated on thank yous....thanks a TON for all the adorable clothes you sent our sweet new girl awhile back! I love everything...and as always you pick out the most adorable outfits! You're the best!! Love ya' lots!