Saturday, January 19, 2008

I am done with week two!

I cut my hair!

I can't believe that week two is done! Student teaching is going really well and I really enjoy it a lot! Granted I face daily challenges from some students, but overall, I cannot complain.
Well, maybe I can just a little. I don't know if it is considered complaining, but I am shocked at what poor spellers my students are. It is almost scary! The first assignment I gave them was to write down somethings about themselves and to tell me what they wanted their future to hold and a good majority of them said that they wanted to go to "collage" and not college. So that next day I gave them a lesson about how to spell college! Another frustration of mine is that the kids talk excessively during class. I don't mind some, but when they are talking when I am, I get very upset. I need to figure out how to have them listen to me a little more.
My supervisor from Siena is going to be coming to watch me this coming Thursday! And she is coming during my most challenging class! I hope it goes well!
Let's see, what else is new. I took a kick boxing class with Katie this week and went to Yogloties this morning with her. AND my migraines have been nonexistent! Horray! I think it is because I love what I am doing! When I was at MDE I did not like my job and got migraines way too often! So, knock on wood, I hope this is the migraines!


Malinda said...

You look sooo cute! I love the hair. You are soooo pretty! I'm glad you are lovin the job. I'm glad the headaches have subsided. Just wanted to clarify that even though you didn't like the MDE job, you loved your friends there!! Miss ya. Call me sometime!

Lori H. said...

Malinda told me I needed to check out the new hair - so I did - NICE!!! I'm so glad to hear things are going well with student teaching. And no migraines??? PTL! We miss you around here, hope you're going to come back for a visit sometime soon. We'd love to see you - Rookie's needs some real talent! Hope to hear from you soon. I will keep checking the blog when I can!