Monday, October 6, 2008


Welcome to my room...

My door with my name and my assistants!:) Have I mentioned how great she is?!

What you see when you are at the is small!

The view from my desk...

The bulletin board is my make-shift whiteboard b/c my white board is way too small (as you can see from above)...hopefully I will be getting a bigger, better magnetic whiteboard with a tray...I'm not asking for too much, really!

View from the back assistants desk is up front.

My desk!

View from the front corner!

What I see when I'm up front teaching!:)

So, there you go! My classroom! Not much to it. I should have taken a picture of the maximum capacity sign! It is 12 and we are over that with one class. Oh well, I make do and have really enjoyed putting together my classroom. I should have taken a picture of what it looked like before...but it was completely different and scary! But now it is all mine!:)


Shalina said...

Adorable! You made is cute with the little room that you have. :)

Malinda said...

It looks so professional Priscilla! Very nice! Can't wait to see you next month!!