Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where do I begin?

I know I have been MIA, this teaching gig is tiring! But it is getting better as the days go on...I think?!
Anyway, the month of November we did not have one week of school where I was there everyday for a full day of school! We got voting day off, I was sick Veteran's Day, and then Thanksgiving. So this week was brutal! It went so slow and it was very painful! But I'm still alive!

Let me back up and give the highlights of November!
  • Malinda visited from MI and that was a blast!
  • We went home to MI for Thanksgiving. Which once all the drama cleared, was a great visit!
  • I got to see Malinda on her b'day.
  • I got to see Cynthia, my sister.
  • I got to see Pam and Tom and the kids for Thanksgiving.
  • I think I narrowed down the dress I want for my wedding.
  • I picked my colors!!! Truffle and Capri aka dark brown and light blue.
  • I had a fun dinner with Chrystal.
  • I spent time with Matt's family.
  • I have a wedding party....asked Malinda and Chrystal to be apart of my special day! And now my side is complete and I couldn't be happier to have everyones love and support!
  • I got to watch Matthew play hockey!
Our trip back to MI was a busy and fun-filled packed 4 days. It made me realize how much I miss MI, especially Lansing and all my friends and sisters and kids!

On a sad note. This past Tuesday night, Chrystal called me around 9:30pm telling me that Queens, her church, caught on fire that afternoon and her wedding is April 18th. I am so heart-broken for her! Queens is a beautiful church and is a very near and dear place for Chrystal. They are hoping that it will be restored by Spring and I am praying it will be done by Easter, since Chrystal's wedding is the week after!

Here are pictures from our Thanksgiving visit!:)

Thankful for a great friend!

Arlington Cemetery
Arlington Cemetery
Arlington Cemetery

The weekend of November 7th, my dear friend Malinda made the long road trip, by herself, down to visit me in Maryland! A visit I had been looking forward too for weeks and I enjoyed every minute of her stay! Malinda is such a dedicated friend, b/c our other friend was supposed to make the trip with her, but couldn't make, but Malinda still made the trip! Thanks Malinda! I had so much fun!:)

We had a great visit! She got into town about 4pm and we had a great time catching up and talking while Matt was still at work! It was great to finally have a friend visit me! Matt has had lots of visitors, but Malinda is officially MY first visitor!:)
Saturday, we headed into DC. We were going to take a boat trip, but the day turned out beautiful (it was raining in the morning when we woke up) and so we decided to walk around DC. We dropped our car off at the metro and took the metro in. We walked along the Mall, walked down to the WWII memorial and the Jefferson memorial and sat and people watched for awhile! Then we walked over to the White House and then headed to our favorite restaurant, Old Ebbitts! Then went home and I crashed hardcore on the couch, while Matt and Malinda watched Notre Dame.
Sunday, I got up early to make breakfast and then we drove to Arlington Cemetery. Wow, that was so neat, especially before Veteran's Day! And then Malinda headed back on her long trip back to MI!
It was a great weekend and so nice to catch up with such a dear friend! Thanks again Malinda for coming down for a visit!

Here is a link to pictures!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I am still alive! Just very busy with school and being exhausted from it! I have no energy whatsoever!
I will give an update hopefully this weekend of all the fun activities that has taken place the last month!:)

In the meantime, check out our wedding website!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

9 years ago today....

Two years ago, I decided to write down and share my dad's cancer and passing. As I said two years ago, my dad was the world to me and I continue to feel lost (at times) without him in my life. As I am getting married in 8 months, it kills me that he is not here to meet Matt and to walk me down the isle and to help plan my wedding (b/c he loved to do that!) I know he is in a much better place and is whole again, but I can't help but want him here!

November 9, 2006

I realize this is very lengthy, but here is a "reader's digest" version of my dad's cancer. This time of year is kinda hard for me and I needed to write it down and share. For those of you who know me, my dad was the world to me. Sorry if there are some typos or errors, but half of it was written through tears.

My dad was diagnosed with brain cancer in the summer of 1998. He had surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible, but the tumor had "fingers" that went into his speech portion of his brain and the doctors didn't want to mess with that. The day after his surgery I left for a mission's trip to Port Hardy, British Columbia, that was so hard to do! I just wanted to be with my dad! But he was recovering and he wanted me to go on this trip!

The months that followed his surgery were tough. It was very hard to watch him have trouble remembering things. He still tried to teach his many bible classes at church and really wanted to go back to work, but the cancer was taking over.

The meds were also horrible on his body. They had horrible side affects! It was hard to watch him deal with that! But we stood by his side and took care of him, like he took care of us for the majority of his life!

In January 1999 they decided to put chemo wafers around the tumor, it was a new procedure. There wasn't really any change. He went through radiation and chemo. My dad was a tall, thin man and he gained so much weight from the radiation and chemo, it was hard to recognize him.

In May 1999, our family took a Disney Cruise. Something my dad wanted to do more than anything! It was our last family trip. It was so much fun! My dad and I were the only ones in the family that liked the shows that they had on the cruise ship, so we went to them every night! Time that I will cherish always! Our favorite was Hercules!

My dad was a trooper. He wouldn't let people see that the cancer was winning! His spirits were high and his faith in God kept him trucking along! He was an inspiration! My sisters gave my mom and him a trip to Hawaii for their wedding anniversary in September of 1999. My dad had a hard time getting around and slept a lot, but he enjoyed the trip. But after that trip, he started to go down hill. He was weak in the legs and walked with a walker to get around. He couldn't climb the stairs anymore to the bedrooms upstairs, so he had to sleep downstairs.

He fell a couple of times in the middle of the night and my mom had to either call the neighbor to help her lift him up or 911. I was away at school, just starting my senior year. I look back, and I should have been home, but my dad wouldn't allow it. He wanted me to finish up school.

Around the last weeks of October, my mom was going to be away for the day and asked me to come home and stay with my dad one Saturday and of course I said yes. That was one of the last times that I got to spend with my dad. And he knew who I was! I had a conversation with him about how upset with God that this happened to him. He told me that he was at peace and that I needed to be at peace and that I should not be angry. It was the most articulated conversation I had with him since his cancer! I wish I remember everything he said to me!

One night he fell really badly and didn't know what happened and was taken to the hospital. I got a call from my mom that she and my sisters where going to go make funeral arrangements for my dad. I was livid! I could not believe she was already planning my dad's funeral! I was in the mindset that he would get better! I went home b/c it was on the weekend and my dad was in the hospital and I went to visit him and it was a sight I wish I could erase from my mind! They had him strapped to the bed b/c he kept pulling out his tubes and trying to get up. My mom said to him, "Jim, Priscilla is her." His response was, "Who is Priscilla." That was horrible to hear. That my dad didn't know who I was!

We talked to his doctor to see if anything more could be done and they couldn't do anything for him. The tumor had started to take over his brain.

That was a Sunday November 7, that I went to visit him in the hospital. I went back to school on Monday and Tuesday the 9th, I received a phone call from my brother in law that the doctors gave my dad 2 to 5 days to live and that he was going to be going home with hospice care. So on Wednesday, November 10, I made the rounds to my professors and told them that I was going home and I didn't know when I was coming back. I left GR around 5pm on Wednesday evening…I had to pack in preparation for my dad's funeral, how messed up is that? I got home, just has the ambulance was pulling into the driveway with my dad. The paramedics were strong men and carried my dad up to my bedroom where everything was set up for him. A hospice nurse came shortly after and did what she needed to do. My brother freaked out and couldn't handle seeing my dad in the state he was in. I thought I would be able to talk to him, but he was in a great state of confusion and had no idea who I was. The nurse gave him morphine for the pain and to help him sleep through the night. My mom was exhausted and I told her to go to bed and I sat with my dad. I looked at him and told him I loved him and I watched him slip into a coma. I stayed up with him all night and eventually fell asleep about 6am.

A dear family friend came over to our house in the morning, she was a nurse and said that we needed to call my sisters and friends and pastor tell them to come say good bye, he was going. So we did. And they came. We surrounded him and sang songs, we shared in Holy Communion and prayed and read bible verses. He moaned as we sang. It was actually a beautiful, comforting event. And we each took our turn with him and told him that it was ok to go "home." And we laughed that he had a list of questions already planned and ready to ask God! We knew he would no longer be in pain and that he would have his mind and body back! I was exhausted and decided to lay down for a bit. My sister came and got me and told him that he was breathing his last breathes and that I need to come in and say good bye and I did and about a minute later he died. That was on November 11, 1999. I was 22 years old. I miss my dad more than anyone will ever know.

Friday, October 24, 2008

What a week!

Oh boy...I had one of those weeks! Or shall I say two weeks!
Shall I do a top 10 list? Yes, lets! Or I'll see how many I put to highlight my weeks and then I'm off to bed.
1) It is sad that I cannot remember what I did last Monday (I just realized this!):(

2) Last week, I had several migraines (which was due to hormonal change, I have
figured that out, or shall I say Matt tuned into that!)

3) Had my first IEP meeting for a kid who drives me bonkers! All the other teachers say he is doing great and love him in class...shocking (I wonder if we have the same child!)! Then, I tell them...he is at a 3rd/4th grade reading level! And they are shocked...continue to be looking into this one...

4) Found out a couple of weeks ago that a lovely, model citizen (can you sense my sarcasm)student of mine as an ankle tether. I find this out from the student, not administration, which I think this information should be provided to me from the school! gets better. We talk to the counselor, curious what we (my IA and I) do when he continues to make references to drugs throughout class. (not really knowing why the child is on probation). The counselor says we need to document it, but fails to tell us that we need to write him up b/c he has a court hearing and everything that he does in school needs to be documented! UGH! OK...this needs to take up 2 numbers...

...5) SO...this kid makes a threatening remark when something happens and a teacher does something and he is called out of my class, returning visibly pissed, making this remark...I write him up. (I don't think I should put up with this crap.) Next day, I talk to my VP and he tells me I should work, this kids is harmless! Oh, I was pissed! But he was put in In school suspension for my class and stayed all day b/c he was high! GREAT!!! Then this week, he comes back, continues to act like a dumbass...I write him up twice! And today...HE GOT ARRESTED on school grounds! I never thought I would be pleased about this, but I do have to say, I hope I don't have to see that child again! I didn't sign for this!

6) This week happened to be the longest week of my life!

7) I had an emotional break down on Wednesday and was ready to quit and moved back to MI!

8) I have heard from at least two teachers that my students hate me. I have come to the realization that I'm not there for a popularity contest, I'm there to teach.
9) Reason why they hate me, b/c my bigger class is the the counselor and the VP visited the class and gave them a "talking" to and they didn't like it...basically they don't like authority and do not like being told what to do...hence the reason why they are the worst class!

10) It's amazing when you tell a student that you care about them as an individual and that you want to see them succeed in life, how quickly they change their tune, hopefully it stays changed and in tune!:)

OK, well I made it to 10...a lot more happened, but these are my highlights...

Monday, October 6, 2008


Welcome to my room...

My door with my name and my assistants!:) Have I mentioned how great she is?!

What you see when you are at the is small!

The view from my desk...

The bulletin board is my make-shift whiteboard b/c my white board is way too small (as you can see from above)...hopefully I will be getting a bigger, better magnetic whiteboard with a tray...I'm not asking for too much, really!

View from the back assistants desk is up front.

My desk!

View from the front corner!

What I see when I'm up front teaching!:)

So, there you go! My classroom! Not much to it. I should have taken a picture of the maximum capacity sign! It is 12 and we are over that with one class. Oh well, I make do and have really enjoyed putting together my classroom. I should have taken a picture of what it looked like before...but it was completely different and scary! But now it is all mine!:)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 2 is said and done with...

Well, I sort of survived this week. Monday and Tuesday went well...more like Monday went well. Tuesday, I was completely brain dead due to some feascos during the night that caused my sleep to be interrupted. So, needless to say, due to my exhaustion, I wanted a student to spell out s-e-c (short for second), but instead told her to spell s-e-x. Thank God it was my small class and they didn't catch on right away, but I was very embarrassed.
So, when I got home, I decided that I'd go right to bed...I was in bed by 9pm...but woke up at 4:30am with a migraine. I took my meds, but by the time I woke up an hour later, I still had it and it was bad! So, I called my mentor at school and she said not to worry, get better. Well, I had it all day and by the time Matt came home, he thought I should go to ER, so I did. We got there at 8:30, I did not get drugs till 11:30! It was horrible and I was mad. We did not get home till 3am and when 5:45 rolled was not happening. I still had my migraine and so I called school again and I'm so glad I did b/c I slept till 2:30pm without getting up once! So, the drugs really drained me, but I felt so much better now!
I went back to school today, to find a desk for me...yeah! And my assistance moved the room, so we have a bit more room...still very cramped though. I wasn't totally ready for I kinda winged it and it was fine. I had my big, bad class first and they were actually good! Then, I got a nice 3 hours of prep, in which I moved my desk and got organized and I laminated some posters and am now all settled in!:) I promise to take pictures next week.
So, now I am home alone this weekend. Matt went home to MI for Siena's alumni weekend. I was going to go with him, but since I was sick, I didn't want to stress over the drive, just to go to Siena's alumni weekend! So, tonight, I ventured out to Border's books...they were having educators night and I won a book bag full of cool books...and I bought a few books that I got 25% off of! Yeah!
The rest of the weekend is up in the air...but I really need to get school work done!
OK...have a great weekend!

Monday, September 29, 2008 went so much better...

...but that is because I had my tough kids in the morning, and they are still waking up and aren't too quick with comments AND my one student who talks non-stop (and I'm not kidding) was out sick today. So, we shall see how tomorrow goes...let's keep our fingers crossed. I am going to work on a rewards program, so I'm hoping that will help!

But, I wanted to share one thing that broke my heart today.
I stayed really late today, left at about 5pm (teachers usually run for the doors at 2:30) and the custodians were there cleaning the building and they are all very friendly. Well, one gentleman (from South America) started talking to me, asking me where I was from and telling me that I"m at a great school. He mentioned his family and his son and that he fought to defend our country. And I told him that he should be proud of him and he proceeded to tell me that he was killed on 9/11 at the Pentagon, 4 days before his 24th birthday. Broke my is closer to home now. And another teacher told me that there are students in our building that have lost parents or loved ones on 9/11. I live so close to DC and so many commute in, I guess I shouldn't be shocked, but I am. So anyway, my story of the day!

Hope to get pictures up tomorrow!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bad day...

...and is it bad that I already want to quit! Yes, the kids were really rough today and I have learned that I have no support whatsoever from my principal or vice principal. I won't go into detail and I know that this is the first of many bad days, so I should look for the positive...
I did get a hug from one of my students and I did get paid. :)
OK. Please keep me in your prayers...b/c I need them!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So good!

Well, I have just completed day four of teaching and all is well!

I am teaching an 8th grade reading program called "Meeting the Middle" at Mattawoman Middle School. They have what is called a block schedule, where classes are 90 minutes long, they alternate which classes they go to, but attend Math and English everyday. School starts at 7:30 and ends at 2pm. I love it! Still adapting to the early early morning, but since school is only 20 minutes up the road, it isn't too bad.
And I love being home by 3pm, 4pm at the latest!

I was very excited when I met another teacher from Ann Arbor and heard that a couple other teachers were from MI! I'm going to go to a new teacher reception, so I hope to met some more teachers and maybe make some friends!

I will have to take some pictures of my classroom once I have it put together. It is very small, but I am fortunate that the most I can have in my room is 12!

So, I wanted to give a little update on how things were going!

One last thing:
I want to send out a big CONGRATULATIONS to my dearest friend from college, Kelly, on the birth of their 4th child, Ashley Claire. Born September 21. Ashely joins big sisters Hailey, Shelby and brother Dylan. God's blessings Kel!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well, I thought I'd post some pictures of our home. Hopefully enticing some of you to come down for a visit...we have more than enough room!

Let me take you on a tour...
Here is Matt's office

Living room/dining room/library (what you see when you first come up the stairs).

Here is our family room/kitchen. The place where we spend the majority of our time!

And this is our deck. We used to have patio furniture, but brought it back to MI and we can't have our grill up here b/c it is a fire hazard and our neighbor below us was going to turn us in...yet the neighbors around us have grills!

Let's go upstairs...
Here is our bedroom

My dresser and my walk in closet (Matt has the bigger walk in!)

And here is our bathroom, with a nice big tub and shower!

Let's go down the hall...
Here is the laundry room. I love having it upstairs!

Guest "duckie" bathroom!:)

Guest room (1)

And the other guest room/my office...(my favorite room)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Teaching Here I COME!

Well, it looks like I will be teaching sooner than later!

Last Tuesday I gave my two weeks notice and yesterday afternoon at 5:30, my boss came in and told me to pack up my stuff and basically said don't come back! I was shocked, but now I'm relieved. The people (some of) were great to work with, but the line of work was not for me. Too much math! yuck!

So, I enjoyed sleeping in this morning. I'm going to run over to HR at the school and turn in all my paperwork and hopefully I can start tomorrow or Thursday! Am I ready? No. But, the first couple of weeks, I'm going to just observe how the program I'm teaching works. It is a reading program for students who read below their grade level. So, I'm kinda fortunate b/c I won't have all the lesson planning I would have with a normal classroom b/c I have to follow a certain format.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted on how things go!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Well, Notre Dame game opener is today against San Diego State. And if you know my husband to be...he is a HUGE Notre Dame fan! Not only is it the ND game opener, but it is also my b'day!:) Matt did very good on the b'day gift front...I got a new digital camera, a gift card to New York and Co. and a 1 year subscription to "Real Simple". Here are some of the first pictures with my new camera!:) (You would have never thought that 48 hour before this was taken that I spent the night in ER):(

Attempting to use the timer...

Matt and I in our ND gear...need a flash though...

Take 2

Not quite.

Take 3

GO IRISH! Matt in all his glory!

Tropical Storm Hanna, go away!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


To my brother!
He popped the question this weekend to his girlfriend, Stacy, and she said yes! I'm so happy for them! They make a great couple and Stacy is the sweetest person and I look forward to calling her my sister-in-law!:)
Congrats Jim and Stacy!:)

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's been awhile...
 I've decided to give an update on life.

This past weekend, we took a whirlwind trip back to MI for a dear friends wedding and to do some wedding planning of our own.

We rolled into MI about 3am Friday morning and we up and at them at 8am for an appointment with the florist. I'm so excited about our florist, she is amazing! I didn't want to get all crazy with the flowers, because they are just going to die anyway, but I'm excited to see the creations that Helen is going to create for my special day!

Next, we visited the photographer. I had a little bit of bridezilla in me that morning...which Matt pointed out later. I didn't mean to, but I don't want a photographer to tell me what I am going to do, which, she didn't, but I wanted to make it clear that I will be calling the shots! Is that bad? No...b/c a photographer can make or break the wedding and my sisters had photographers that were so obnoxious!

During the whole wedding planning process Friday AM, I was a) hungry, b) tired, c) getting a migraine. Stupid me, didn't take anything for my migraine when I started it coming on. And jumping ahead to Saturday night...I took a trip to the ER to make it go away!:( I will tell you the ER story in a bit.

So, after wedding planning, we went back to Matt's parents house and got ready and played with Brennan and then heading to Saline for Katie's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding, hot, but very nice! My head continued to hurt, so I finally took some meds, but it didn't even touch it. So we left the wedding before we got to dance, but we were both exhausted and decided to head to my mom's for the night.

Saturday, we got up and around and headed to Lansing for August/September b'day celebration and family get together! It was great fun, expect the fact that my head was still killing me! But it was great to see the kids and my sisters. I tried my dress on for my family and they loved it! So I was really excited. My sisters were trying to figure out a dress for them to wear. I have decided to go with a light blue for my color and a very light yellow.

Then we opened presents. It was mom totally forgot about my b'day, yet bought Matt a present and my sister's got me presents (a very cool blue bracelet from Pam and a Kate Spade purse from Cynth) and totally forgot about Matt's b'day...or didn't realize when it was. And everyone remembered Bob's and Madison's b'day.

We ended the festivities with a delicious dinner and ice cream cake!:)

Then has we traveled home, my head felt every worse and I was concerned I would still have it for our trip back to MD, so I decided to go to the ER. I got in right away, but waited for over an hour in a noisy hallway, right under a bright light for someone to see me. Then, I got an IV put in and it hurt like a ----------------! OMG! I was in so much pain you'd like I would have forgotten about my head. I told the chic it hurt really bad and she was like, "oh yeah, they usually do!" and I replied, "not this bad, I have had a lot in my day!" and Matt followed with, "she knows how an IV should feel!" And she didn't do anything! Later Matt said he almost passed out from watching her put the needle in and said he felt my pain and today I have a bruise to prove how painful it was! Fastforwarding, I got my meds, and the dr asked if I was OK to go home and I wasn't but didn't want to lay in the hallway anymore, so I said I'd go home and get some better rest, plus I wanted that IV out of my arm! So, he released me. And I felt like a new person on Sunday morning!

Well, we are back in Maryland! A quick Happy Birthday to BOB!:) Hope you have a great day and a fun trip with my mom out West!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Description of my dress....

The sculptured strapless bodice with dropped waistline is elaborately decorated with embroidery and crystals, and features a peaked empire, inset band. Inverted pleats surround the skirt with a wide hemline band onto the chapel length train. color: ivory/ice blue

Here is a link to the flower girl dress that sort of matches mine....the beading is similar....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I bought my wedding dress and all by myself!

Yup! I went to "Running of the Brides" all by myself after work on Friday and I bought my wedding dress! :) YEAH!

When I first walked in, I saw girls stripping down to their underwear and throwing on these dresses. My first reaction've got to be kidding me! But then I started to look through the racks and racks of dresses, found a couple, found a mirror and set up camp! A couple, I had a hard time zipping up, so I asked people walking by and they were more than happy to help! This one girl goes, "You are brave to be here by yourself!"

I tried on this one, that I thought was the one, I called my mom for her advice, b/c originally I was going to wear her dress. She told me to do what I wanted to do. So I looked around some more and I found another dress! It was very pretty and I thought it was the one. I called my mom again and she told me again to do what I wanted to do. Then I called Matt b/c he was waiting for me to go to the movies and he told me to look around some more. So I did! AND I FOUND IT!!!!

I tired it on and I was struggling greatly with the zipper and this girl saw me and helped me zip it up! When I finally had it on, the people around me were telling me how beautiful it looked! So I walked to where there was more room and it was in a main isle and I gathered a crowd around me! This one girl I was talking with before when on had the 2nd dress on, she saw me and said she loved the dress and it looked a lot better than the other one. And then another woman asked me where my people were and I told her I just moved to the area and I was alone and she said "girl, you better buy that dress b/c it is perfect! Don't take your hand off of it b/c these girls are eying you for it!" So I went back to where my stuff was and people were still coming up to me and I knew it was the one. It fits perfectly! and the length is perfect!!!! I felt like a princess!

I'm very excited! And the best part of the whole thing is the price! It was only $250 and I looked online and it sells for $800!!!! Such a deal!

So it paid off for me to go to "Running of the Brides" after work, by myself!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wedding Planning...

...has been interesting to say the least! I am definitely jealous that my sisters had my dad to help out or more like plan the whole thing! And I am definitely missing his presence in this whole experience!

But Matt and I are doing good! We picked the place for our reception! Check it out!:)
It is a great place, price was right and the people seem to be on the ball!

Oh, we also picked a date! July 3, 2009. It is amazing how much cheaper a Friday night is! I'm just hoping that people have the 3rd off next year!

Let's see, what else have we done??? Well, I may wear my mom's dress. We'll see if it can get cleaned, but it is really pretty and my sister said it looked good on me and it also fit really well! I'm not really worried about the dress, I know I'll find it or my mom's will work out.

Now we just have to do invitations and find a photographer (which I found one, but she may be a bit too expensive...something we have to figure out!) I also found a band that my friend had at her wedding, and I'm hoping Matt will agree to them!

I have lots and lots of time to still get things organized! It is just super hard to do it from out of state! And since the ceremony is going to be in Ann Arbor at Concordia's Chapel and the reception is in Plymouth, my sisters can't really help all that much b/c it isn't really close for them. Oh well. It will come together.

I still need to pick a color...which may be blue...cayman blue! But it is TBD! Also, my sister gave me the advice to wait on my bridal party till it is December or January. Which is good advice! I know one of my really good friends who I totally thought would be my maid of honor a year ago is not really even a good friend anymore! So, with girls, it is sad, but friendships can change over a few months! But I am definitely having my sisters and my nieces and nephews! I'm so excited to have them all!:)

That is the DL on wedding planning! Just wanted to give you an update!:)

Oh and check out our site...I was so excited to put this together when we got engaged in May! And I waited forever for Matt to write something about himself, but he never did, so his info is blank! Oh well! The page is a start!:)

Friday, June 6, 2008


Well, life sure has been interesting the last month!
1) I Moved
2) I started a part-time job the first day I arrived
3) I get engaged
4) I start a full-time job and commute 2 hours to work each day!

Interesting to say the least! Busy, crazy, fun!

We started some wedding planning. We looked at places in Ann Arbor, MI and found a great place in Plymouth, MI - The Inn at St. Johns. If it didn't cost an arm and a leg, it would be a done deal, but it is really expensive. I vote for eloping, but Matt won't go for it. (I think it would save us a lot of money! and there will be a lot less headaches!) We have some other places in mind, at the end of the month we'll be back in MI and will be visiting them. It is amazing how much cheaper a wedding on Friday than on Saturday! *sigh*

Anyway, I love my new job! I am the Market Manager for Metro DC New Homes Magazine. I love the people I work with, granted they aren't my buds at MDE, but they are very nice and have been welcoming to me!:)

Well, that is all for now!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm getting married!:)

Yup! It's official! I'm engaged to be married to the greatest man on earth!:) I couldn't be happier! The picture is of me on the phone with my mom sharing the exciting news!:)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Where am I?

Well, I have been in Indian Head, Maryland for a week now! So far, so good. Except it has been raining for about 4 days start now! UGH! I'm starting to go bonkers!
I am although a guitar hero junkie! And it is my turn!
More later!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring has Sprung!:)

Well, I have survived student teaching and am coming up on the home stretch! Tomorrow is my last day of teaching! Yeah! I thought I'd be sad, but I am not! The kids have gotten a little out of hand since we have gotten back from Spring Break!

Only 26 more days and I will be moving! I'm not excited, whatsoever. Yeah right. I can't wait!

Not much else is new. But as soon as something exciting happens, I will put up a post!:)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Well, today is ANOTHER snow day! Katie and I have lost count as to how many we have had since has been A LOT! Due to the amount of snow days, the students are so far behind. We should be done with our papers in writing and should have started Anne Frank on Monday! But due to the snow day last week and this week and all the other weeks, we need to get to work! I thought I'd never complain about a snow day...well I'm not...but I kind of am!:)

Back to my resume!:)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Yes, I have been MIA and about to go back into hiding.
Student teaching has had it's ups and down since my last post, but only 47 more days!
Hopefully it will get better, I think it has been challenging since I've taken on all 6 classes! I don't know how these teachers do it!:)
Ok, that is it for now! I"ll probably post again when I'm done! j/k

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week 3 is coming to a close...

Today was my first observation from my supervisor from Siena and it went pretty well! Granted I was totally freaking out and it didn't help that my 1st and 2nd hour classes did not cooperate! And they normally do, and they were my trial run for my lesson. So that did not help the situation! But, the class that I was being observe in was actually good...even though they are my most challenging class! (It did help that one of the wise guys in my class was absent today!)
But yeah, my 4th hour were great during class discussion and really interested and talked and asked great questions! And then I did a little mock ceremony from the book we are reading and the feed back that I got from the kids after class were really positive and the other teachers were saying that they'd come into their class talking about it! So that made me feel great! And I got almost all 3's and some 2's...4 is the highest score, so I'm pleased with how my teacher rated me!:)
Big sigh of relief! :)

And yes, I do really miss all my friends at MDE! I will have to make my way up there for a visit!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I am done with week two!

I cut my hair!

I can't believe that week two is done! Student teaching is going really well and I really enjoy it a lot! Granted I face daily challenges from some students, but overall, I cannot complain.
Well, maybe I can just a little. I don't know if it is considered complaining, but I am shocked at what poor spellers my students are. It is almost scary! The first assignment I gave them was to write down somethings about themselves and to tell me what they wanted their future to hold and a good majority of them said that they wanted to go to "collage" and not college. So that next day I gave them a lesson about how to spell college! Another frustration of mine is that the kids talk excessively during class. I don't mind some, but when they are talking when I am, I get very upset. I need to figure out how to have them listen to me a little more.
My supervisor from Siena is going to be coming to watch me this coming Thursday! And she is coming during my most challenging class! I hope it goes well!
Let's see, what else is new. I took a kick boxing class with Katie this week and went to Yogloties this morning with her. AND my migraines have been nonexistent! Horray! I think it is because I love what I am doing! When I was at MDE I did not like my job and got migraines way too often! So, knock on wood, I hope this is the migraines!

Monday, January 7, 2008

I made it! 1 day down...84 more to go!

Well, I made it through the day. Granted, I only taught 1 class 3 times, but I gradually got better as each hour went by. I feel bad for my first hour class because I learn from my mistakes with them, they are kind of like my guinea pigs.

Check out my class homepage!
login: MissBurch
password: Onsted

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe that we are now in 2008! Where has the time gone?

I had a awesome New Years Eve in downtown D.C.! I found my childhood friend in October and we reconnected and she lives in D.C. and her boyfriend was throwing a party. So, we ventured downtown and had a great evening!

I was supposed to leave today for MI, but was feeling very under-the-weather and changed my flight to tomorrow evening. (it is not b/c I drank too much, I think it was b/c I have to go back to reality!):( I am feeling a lot better now. Tomorrow will be a sad day though.

So, I start my student teaching in 5 days. UGH! But everything should be fine, prayers would be greatly appreciate though!

More later, unless I am completely swamped with journaling, lesson planning and homework! Ok, now I am feeling very overwhelmed! *BIG sigh*